here we are coming back with news!:)
Bellow you will find short testimony of Karolina, who runs classes called “English is fun” in our Community Centre in Wrocław. Worth reading!

Since September 2012, I’ve started to run classes called “English is fun” in “Świetlówka”. At first I had some concerns about whether I can handle it, and if I be able to interest children in my classes. On English we’ve played in different games, but also learned to sing songs by famous artists such as Shakira. I saw then, that the children find great joy in dance and movement. I decided to go in that direction and find songs, that teach simple English words and phrases with movement.
One day, Ewa Leszczyńska – coordinator of the Centre, participating in our classes and observing the involvement of children, came up with the idea to show the effects of this classes to the parents. That’s how was born the idea of the show, which I really liked 🙂 I’ve got heavily involved in preparations and spent every free moment on thinking on details of this show. There was little time to prepare, because classes were held only once a week, on Fridays. However, we wanted that our show was held before leaving of Hanna – volunteer from the USA, which participated in all classes “English is fun”. She was of great assistance to me, have great contact with the children, even though she didn’t know the Polish language 🙂
We begun to run out of space in the club itself, so we’ve moved out and organized our meetings on the playing field or outside of the club. To be ready for the show, we were also practising in the days, when there were no scheduled English classes. Dances were great joy to children, and during our rehearsals, there were many spectators.
We decided to held our show on the playing field, so everyone from neighborhood could see our performance.
On the day of the show, even before the 5.00 p.m., to our surprise, on the playing field gathered quite large audience. We were very happy that so many people will see the result of our work. Audience consisted mainly of parents and people living in the neighborhood, but the largest group were children. In the program there were many dances and songs, as well as competitions with prizes for the children from the audience. The audience was also involved, everyone danced and clapped, some kids came up to dance with us at the “scene”. However, we are worried about the weather, because the sky looked like it would pour down in a moment. We all prayed to ourselves, that this will not happened. The good weather lasted till the last song, and then a great rain fell 🙂 We all started to hide the equipment and chairs inside. In the club for children taking part in the show waited cake with surprise – chocolate stars for our stars.
I am glad that we have a good time preparing the show and that we have done something useful and have great fun at the same time.

Karolina Molendzka
Runs classes “English is fun” in Community Centre “Świetlówka”.

All the best form YFC Poland Team!