P2P Update October-December 2013
Read here the latest news from Agnieszka and Wojtek, who has recently been in the States, to see how their counselling ministry is developing all across Poland.

P2P Update July-Sep 2013
In their latest news update, you can read how Wojtek addressed a Christian leaders’ conference, asking the question “Is the darkness to be blamed for being dark or the light for not shining?”.
Many other conferences and coaching courses will be held in the next month or two.
And, in the Summer, God moved in amazing ways at the SLOT Arts Festival, where Wojtek and Agnieszka led the team of 85 volunteers active in evangelism among the fetival-goers.

This is a new headline for the Pastors2Pastors minstry in Poland, where lots of training workshops have been helping a good number of evangelical pastors across the country.
Wojtek has been teaching in India too!
A snippet from their new Prayer Letter P2P Prayer Update June 2103 regarding Wojtek and Agnieszka’s responsibilities in a few weeks’ time :

SLOT Art Festival – the largest Christian outreach festival in our part of the world (it attracts over 5000 people) and we were asked to head the team of volunteers responsible for evangelistic outreach and pastoral care at the festival. We will do daily coaching and leadership workshops for them and look after this team in general.
Please pray for us, our team and the whole festival which starts on
July 9

For news about Language Schhols in Ukraine, Volunteers in Romania, “Manifest” in Poland, two of our Partners in Bratislava, and two others in Poland, please read the latest news from the region in CEP april newsletter

This is a question that pastors can struggle with, when their ministry seems discouraging. The Pastors2Pastors ministry in Poland has been
addressing this question, and many others – Pastors2Pastors March 2013
Take special note of Wojtek’s new ministry in India! and pray for him in this new venture.

As a new year gets underway, here’s a reminder of all our Partners, so that we can give them our support in prayer this year :

Parakletos: Pavel and Julia working in Counselling in the Czech Republic

Daybreak: Adam and Mira, and Wojtek and Agnieszka, counselling pastors and leaders in Poland

SLOT: Andrzej and Marzena, and Krzysiek and others, working with young people in Poland throughout the year; the emphasis on the annual festival in July, but many other smaller events and training courses run at various times and in various cities.

ARKA Foundation: Many evangelistic opportunities through the schools, language school, other classes and courses, the Summer camps – pray for all the staff and everyone involved!

Youth for Christ: Bartek and Agnieszka, Wiola, Marcela, Ewa and others working in many ways with children, many of them from deprived backgrounds.

Mission 2 East: Andrzej and Basia supporting believers in Central Asia from home in Poland, and with visits as funds allow. Bartek and Zhanna and others in Ukraine, working with youth, and in the process of setting up language schools as evangelistic platforms.

D3 Generations: Saskia and Laurentiu and Carmen working with students in Romania, helping them through a volunteering programme.

PR Slaveikov School: Unique Christian school in Bulgaria with many needs; how to attract more students, training teachers to teach children with disabilities. Pray for Nadya, Vania, Evelina and all others involved.

CS Lewis and Narnia Schools: Christian school in Bratislava with many staff and students and a great sphere of influence; pray for all the staff and students.

Integra Slovakia: Allan and Caulene, teaching Slovaks to become active in compassionate mission in Africa through child-sponsorship and fair-trade initiatives.


They can seem very far removed from us, but in prayer we can truly be a part of their work. If you would like to know more detail about any of them, please get in touch.

Dear Friends,

Greetings from sunny Poland. Here is the update on our ministry. 

Good news – “Coaching Questions” in Polish

After several months of work and many meetings with people involved in this project we are proud to announce that Tony Stoltzfus’ book “Coaching Questions” is now published in Polish. This is not only a great tool for our ministry, but since coaching becomes very popular here it is wonderful to have a book on this subject written from a Christian perspective. 

The book will also help to promote our ministry throughout Poland and we are very excited about this. On Saturday we organize in partnership with the publisher and Silesian University a meeting with the author at one of the bookstores at the heart of Wroclaw’s Old Towns Square. Silesian University is one of the most influential private schools of business and they want to open full-time course on coaching next year so this is a very interesting connection for us.  Please pray that the Lord will bless this time in a very special way!


Pastors2Pastors Coaching Conference

This Sunday we are doing our coaching conference together with Tony and Kathy Stoltzfus and Steve Tucker. “Coaching is practicing the disciplines of believing in people to empower them to change” (Tony Stoltzfus). Our aim is to use coaching as a tool to help pastors and their wives in personal growth and development, but also in their ministry. We also offer as part of our ongoing ministry a series of practical leadership coaching workshops and Tony’s materials are a great tool for us. 

We recruited for this conference leaders representing various denominations from several cities in Poland including: Warsaw, Lodz, Wroclaw, Gdynia and Opole. Look on the map of Poland and you will see that these are some major cities in our country and we hope to have P2P group in each of these cities.

Please pray for this conference – May 27-30, 2012. We believe this will be a catalyst event for further growth of P2P ministry throughout Poland.  We are very excited about this and truly believe this will enable us to offer practical tool for people in ministry! 

Here is a note we got from one of the pastors who participated in P2P conference we organized:

Thank you very much for your invitation to participate in this conference. Time spent there gave me as a pastor the opportunity for some time of rest and solitude in the atmosphere of brotherhood and worship of God. The themes were very interesting and right to the point. Workshops in small groups that I participated in were of a great encouragement to me.

We were able to honestly share our problems, listen to the  counsel of others and also share biblical wisdom with one another for those particular problems we discussed. Final part of our group activity which was very special experience to me was a time of prayer when we would put our hands on someone in need and pray for them. After I got back to my hometown I shared this with other pastors in my city. I hope that with God’s help I will be able to bring them to the next meeting like this so we can build unity among pastors in our city.

Please pray:

  • ·         For all the church leaders and cities we are working with right now and particularly all leaders coming to the conference so they catch a vision for starting a P2P group in their city;
  • ·         For all other individual meetings we have with pastors and their wives as we develop authentic relationships with them intended to encourage and empower them in fulfilling God’s calling in their lives;
  • ·         For the promotion of “Coaching Questionsthroughout Poland – please pray especially for the Saturday meeting with the author in Wroclaw;
  • ·         For the P2P group meetings – especially for all the leaders;
  • ·         For this time of transition in our life and ministry;
  • ·         For our family, to grow stronger in the Lord and stay focused on God’s priorities! Please pray especially for Dawid this week as he is away with his grandmother!


We praise God for His faithfulness and provision in our lives.  Thank you for your loving care, prayers and support. You are a great blessing to us! 

Yours in Christ,

Wojtek and Agnieszka Kowalewski


A Coaching Ministry – Leadership Excellence

„Two people can accomplish more than twice as much as one; they get a better return for their labor. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But people who are alone when they fall are in real trouble” – Ecclesiastes 4:9-10



For more news on how this mentoring ministry is helping young pastors in Poland, read Wojtek’s latest newsletter here

Wojtek and Agnieszka have sent an interesting update on their ministry over the last couple of months; click here to read it.

Wojtek is very much looking forward to hosting a conference but not having to lead the teaching himself!

The weekend September 23-24th will see a conference for Polish Pastors held in Wroclaw, led by a group from Colonial Hills Church, Mississippi. The title of the conference is “Enough of Theatre in Leadership”;  pray that it will be a time of great encouragement for the pastors who attend.

Pastors2Pastors have also submitted a grant proposal for the translation and publishing of pastoral coaching material by Tony Stoltzfus, who will be leading their Winter conference using this training material for pastors and their wives. Pray that the proposal will be accepted and a grant given.